The 6th edition of the World Government Summit was held on 11 to 13 February 2018 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The delegation was led by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and he gave a speech focusing on 6 Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover, Recover and Redesign) with an aim to safeguard the nature.
The World Government Summit works as thoughts, knowledge and ideas exchange platform between government officials, politician and it also works as a stage for the future issues, trends, and challenges which could be faced by humanity.

Around 130 speakers across 120 interactive sessions and more over 4000 participants from 140 countries in which Government officials and representative of 16 international organization took part in this event. So as it was the sixth edition of the World Government Summit the 1st summit was also held in Dubai in the year 2013.