The system of ‘Dagh’ and ‘Huliya’ was introduced by -

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The system of ‘Dagh’ and ‘Huliya’ was introduced by -

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The coming of the Khalji line denoted the apex of Muslim colonialism in India. The organizer of the Khalji line was Jalaluddin Khalji. He was seventy years of age when he came to control. He was liberal and permissive. Malik Chhajju, nephew of Balban was permitted to remain the legislative leader of Kara. His mercy was misjudged as the shortcoming.

The system of ‘Dagh’ and ‘Huliya’ was introduced by -

At the point when Chhajju revolted, it was stifled yet he was acquitted. At the point when the hooligans (thieves) plundered the nation, they were permitted to pursue an extreme cautioning. In 1292 when Malik Chhajju revolted for the second time, he was supplanted by his child-in-law, Alauddin Khalji.
In 1296 Alauddin Khalji took a campaign to Devagiri and came back to Kara. Amid the gathering there, Alauddin Khalji deceptively killed his dad-in-law Jalaluddin Khalji and usurped the position of the royalty of Delhi.
Alauddin Khalji kept up a huge changeless standing armed force and paid them in real money from the imperial treasury. Concurring the Ferishta, he enrolled 4,75,000 cavalrymen. He presented the arrangement of dagh (marking of ponies) and arranged huliya (the graphic rundown of warriors). Keeping in mind the end goal to guarantee most extreme effectiveness, a strict audit of armed force occasionally was done.
The presentation of paying pay rates in real money to the officers prompted value controls famously called as Market Reforms. Alauddin
Controls were issued to settle the cost everything being equal. A different division called Diwani Riyasat was made under an officer called Naib-I-Riyasat. Each dealer was enrolled under the Market office. There were mystery specialists called munhiyans who sent reports to the Sultan in regards to the working of these business sectors.

The Sultan additionally sent slave young men to purchase different items to check costs. Infringement of directions was seriously rebuffed. Cruel discipline was given if any businessperson charged a higher cost, or attempted to cheat by utilizing false weights and measures. Notwithstanding amid the starvation a similar cost was kept up.
We don't know whether the market controls in Delhi were additionally connected in the common capitals and towns. Aside from showcase changes, Alauddin Khalji made imperative strides in the land income organization. He was the principal Sultan of Delhi who requested for the estimation of land. Indeed, even the enormous landowners couldn't escape from paying area charge.

Land income was gathered in trade out request to empower the Sultan to pay the troopers in real money. His property income changes gave a premise to the future changes of Sher Shah and Akbar.

answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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