What is the name of the biggest earthquake fault line that goes through California?

Asked 7 years ago
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What is the name of the biggest earthquake fault line that goes through California?

1 Answer


The extent 8.2 tremors that assaulted southern Mexico on Sept. 7 was the biggest to shake the nation in about a century.
Like California, Mexico is a seismically dynamic area that has seen little shakes that have caused demise and obliteration. Be that as it may, the Sept. 7 earthquake is an update that considerably bigger tremors — while uncommon — do happen.

What is the name of the biggest earthquake fault line that goes through California?
Researchers say it's feasible for Southern California to be hit by a size 8.2 tremor. Such a shudder would be undeniably dangerous to the Los Angeles territory on the grounds that the San Andreas blame runs near and underneath thickly populated zones.
The staggering shudders that hit California in the course of the most recent century were far littler than the Sept. 7 earthquake, which Mexican specialists set at size 8.2 and the U.S. Topographical Survey put at 8.1. Mexico's seismic tremor created four times more vitality than the immense 1906 San Francisco quake, an extent 7.8, which killed 3,000 individuals and started a fire that left a significant part of the city in ruins.
Southern California's latest super shake was in 1857, additionally assessed to be size 7.8, when the territory was inadequately populated.
An 8.2 quake would be far more awful here on the grounds that the San Andreas blame runs directly through territories, for example, the Coachella Valley — home to Palm Springs — and the San Bernardino Valley, alongside the San Gabriel Mountains north of Los Angeles. The blame is around 30 miles from downtown Los Angeles.
The Sept. 7 quake happened in the sea off the Mexican drift and started around 450 miles from Mexico City — and it was moderately profound, beginning around 43 miles under the surface.
In Mexico, "you have individuals a truly long path away from it," seismologist Lucy Jones said. In any case, in Southern California, "we'd have many individuals ideal over it. It would be shallow, and it goes through our patio."
Southern California would feel far and away more terrible shaking if an extent 8.2 tremor hit here than what was knowledgeable about Mexico on Sept. 7. Mexico's quake struck under the sea and was profound; "fierce" shaking — ascertained as force 9 shaking by the USGS — struck just a moderately little piece of the nation that happens to be inadequately populated.
That is a similar force that was felt in the most exceedingly awful hit neighborhood in the 1994 size 6.7 Northridge quake.
Despite the fact that the Northridge and Mexico seismic occasions change broadly in greatness — the Mexico quake on Sept. 7 delivered 178 times more aggregate vitality — Angelenos additionally felt "brutal" shaking in 1994 in light of the fact that the Northridge seismic tremor struck specifically underneath vigorously populated zones and was to a great degree shallow, striking between only four and 12 miles under the surface.
A size 8.2 quake on the San Andreas would create shaking more extreme than either the Mexico or Northridge seismic tremors.

answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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