How is a super PAC different from a PAC?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 519 times

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Difference between Super PAC and PAC
  • Super PACs have no boundaries, whereas PACs do. The original Political Action Committees are prohibited from giving more than $5,000 to their selected candidate, but they are permitted to give $15,000 to any party leadership committee and $5,000 to any other political committee every year. Individuals, businesses, firms, PACs, and national party organizations cannot contribute more than $5,000 to PACs each year. Super PACs, on the other hand, have no limitations on the number of money they may collect each year and can spend as much as they want to promote or oppose any candidate.
  • PACs can give money directly to their preferred candidate or party, however, Super PACs are unable to coordinate with candidates and are barred from making direct contributions to political candidates or parties. This is a significant distinction between the two, and it has a significant impact on how PACs and Super PACs work.
answered 3 years ago by Anonymous User

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