Shiva Keshavan is related to which sports?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 859 times


Shiva Keshavan is related to which sports? 

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Well, Shiva Keshavan is an Olympian and represents our country in luge, he is a 6 time Olympian and set a new Asian speed record at 134.3 km/h and broke down his own record of 131.9 km/h. and won the gold medal in Asia cup which was held in the year 2011.

Shiva Keshavan is related to which sports?

Shiva Keshavan was born in Manali Himachal Pradesh in the year 1981 and he won the Junior National Ski Championship in the year 1995 when he was just 14 years old and just after one year Keshavan entered luge camp in his school conducted by the world champion Gunther Lemmerer. Keshavan got selected for luge game as a trusted young player and also qualified for the Olympics Games in luge.

answered 7 years ago by Anonymous User

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