Bajrang Punia is related to which sports?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 854 times


Bajrang Punia is related to which sports?

1 Answer


Bajrang Punia!

Bajrang Punia is related to which sports?

Bajrang Punia was born in the state of Haryana, in a small village of Jhajjar district recognized as Khundan, India. He started wrestling when he was just seven and was urged to seek after this sport by his father. He has a sibling named Harender Singh Punia. In 2015, his family moved to Sonepat for him to go to a regional center of Sports Authority of India. He functions as Traveling Ticket Examiner (TTE) with Indian Railway and his family has requested for Deputy Superintendent of police post with Haryana Police.

Well talking about his life further he is the rising Indian wrestlers, who have bagged himself a gold medal in Men's 65kg  at the Senior National Wrestling Championship in New Delhi.

Further, you can hit on the below link:

Report on Bajrang Punia

Bajrang Punia is related to which sports?


answered 7 years ago by Anonymous User

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