Define the Data Types Supported by Salesforce Data Loader?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 1059 times


Define the Data Types Supported by Salesforce Data Loader?

1 Answer


Salesforce Data Loader supported data types are like Base64, Boolean, Date Formats, Double, Integer, String. Below we have explained all of the data types with its example:

1. Base64

This data-type uses the string path to file (converts the file to a base64–encoded array). So the Base64 fields are used to Insert or Update the attachments and Salesforce CRM Content. For detailed information, see Uploading Attachments and Upload Content with the Data Loader.

2. Boolean

This data-type takes true/false values, for example, for True values it accepts yes, y, true, on, 1 and for False values it accepts no, n, false, off, 0

3. Date Formats

This data-type is recommended to specify the dates in the format like yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS+/-HHmm:

  • yyyy takes the four-digit year
  • MM takes the two-digit month (01-12)
  • dd takes the two-digit day (01-31)
  • HH takes the two-digit hour (00-23)
  • mm takes the two-digit minute (00-59)
  • ss takes the two-digit seconds (00-59)
  • SSS takes the three-digit milliseconds (000-999)
  • +/-HHmm takes the Zulu (UTC) time zone offset

4. Double

This data-type is a Standard double string .

5. ID

This data type is a case-sensitive 15-character Salesforce ID or case-insensitive 18-character alphanumeric string which uniquely identifies a particular record.

6. Integer

This data-type is a standard integer string .

7. String

This data-type is a valid XML string, if any invalid XML string is inserted then it will be removed.

answered 7 years ago by Anonymous User

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