Which was the largest site of Indus Civilization?

Asked 7 years ago
Updated 7 years ago
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Which was the largest site of Indus Civilization?

1 Answer


Experts suggest that it is larger than Mohenjo-Daro. Archaeologists have declared the Harappan site of Rakhigarhi in Hisar district, Haryana, to be the largest Harappan civilization site after the discovery of two additional mounds in January.

Rakhigarhi, also known as Rakhi Garhi, is a community situated 150 kilometers northwest of Delhi in the Hisar District of Haryana, India. It later became a component of the mature Indus Valley Civilisation, which lasted from 2600 to 1900 BCE. The location lies 27 kilometers from the seasonal Ghaggar River in the Ghaggar-Hakra River plain. Most experts estimate it to be between 80 and 100 hectares in size. However, some Indian archaeologists argue that Rakhigarhi's oldest settlements predate the Indus Valley Civilization and that the site is 300 hectares in size. Just 5% of the location has been explored, and much more remains to be discovered and published. Mitathal and the minor location Lohari Ragho are two more nearby excavation sites that have yet to be excavated.

It's 27 kilometers from the seasonal Ghaggar river in the Ghaggar-Hakra river plain. Rakhigarhi is now a tiny hamlet in the Indian state of Haryana. In the former river valley to the east of the Ghaggar Plain, there are several more interesting archaeological sites. Kalibangan, Kunal, Balu, Bhirrana, and Banawali are among them. Rakhigarhi is located in the valley of the ancient Drishadvati River, which originates in the Siwalik Hills, according to Jane McIntosh. Chautang is a tributary of the Sarsuti, which is a tributary of the Ghaggar.

Hunting implements such as copper hafts and fish hooks have been discovered. Toy culture is shown by the existence of numerous toys such as small wheels, miniature lids, sling balls, and animal figurines. Stamps, jewels, and 'chert' weights have all been discovered, indicating thriving commerce. The weights discovered here are similar to weights recorded at many other IVC sites, indicating that standardized weight systems are in use. In Rakhigarhi, blaze altars and apsidal structures were found. Rakhigarhi, Chanhudaro, and Harappa all have cotton textile remnants preserved on silver or copper items. A large number of stamps and seals were also discovered at this location.
answered 3 years ago by Anonymous User

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