Who is the newly appointed Chief Executive of the Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC)?

Asked 7 years ago
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Who is the newly appointed Chief Executive of the Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC)?

1 Answer


Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC)!

G Kalyanakrishnan has taken up the control as New Chief Executive of Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC), Hyderabad. He has supplanted N. Saibaba, who resigned on the fulfillment of two years of the expanded time of administration. Kalyanakrishnan will likewise be the Chairman of the NFC Board. He is a compound specialist from the Regional Engineering College, Warangal in 1980. He has joined the 24th group of 1980-81 Training School of Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC), Mumbai.

Before this task, he was the Deputy Chief Executive for Nuclear Fuel Complex. He has immense involvement in erection and authorizing and activity of Heavy Water Plants. He has additionally contributed in the fruitful charging of Zirconium Complex (ZC – a Unit of NFC) at Pazhayakayal, Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu and in accomplishing its nameplate limit of 250 MT in the most limited time.

Who is the newly appointed Chief Executive of the Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC)?

But on 31st of January 2018, Mr. Dinesh Srivastava took over the responsibility after G Kalyanakrishnan. Preceding this task, he was holding the position of Deputy Chief Executive, NFC and had labored for three decades in Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC), Mumbai and is a senior Professor in Homi Bhabha National Institute (HBNI), Mumbai.

Dr. Srivastava has contributed solely in the improvement of cutting-edge basic materials of extraordinary vital incentive for atomic vitality program with the objective of his work being on an independent improvement of basic atomic parts for the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE).

A metallurgical scientist from the University of Roorkee, the new NFC executive joined the 28th cluster of BARC Training School, Mumbai in 1984. He was presented on BARC, Mumbai and served in different limits up to March 2017. He has gotten a doctorate degree from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru.

For further details you can hit on the link mentioned below:

Report on the Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC)


answered 7 years ago by Anonymous User

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