Which state government has launched ‘Shakti’ app for women’s safety in the state?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 812 times


Which state government has launched ‘Shakti’ app for women’s safety in the state?

1 Answer


Himachal pradesh

Which state government has launched ‘Shakti’ app for women’s safety in the state?

The app was developed by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) of the Himachal Pradesh government. The Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh Jai Ram Thakur launched the ‘Shakti’ app on 26 January 2018, which has an inbuilt panic button, for women’s safety.

The app works without any internet connectivity and would be available in Hindi and English languages, the app will be triggered by shaking the device and will send its location through GPS.
The app would automatically send a message to the nearest police control room when triggered and start recording audio and video after 20 seconds.

Also ‘GUDDIYA’ helpline number 1515 and the ‘Hoshiyar Singh’ helpline number 1090 was launched by the Chief Minister.

The app and the helpline both were part of an initiative to fight crimes against women in the state of Himachal Pradesh.

A Good Step Towards A Safer India!!!

answered 7 years ago by Anonymous User
  1. All the schemes the government launches for women safety are good but what to do with the police, who never took any case seriously... :-( - Anonymous User 7 years ago

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