Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was born on 14th November 1889 the day which is now been celebrated as the children’s day. Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India and was a great figure of our country. Renowned as the architecture of the modern India he ruled India after the Independence till 1964.

As his routes were connected Kashmiri Pandit Nehru was been known as Pandit Nehru and as shared a great connect with children’s they used to call him Chacha Nehru.
Her father Motilal Nehru was a prominent lawyer and nationalist and her mother name was Swaroop Rani. Nehru was a graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge, and the Inner Temple and he there to become a barrister. After he came back to India he enrolled at Allahabad High court and showed his interest in national politics.

Being a committed nationalist since his early age he became a public figure and a renowned person in Indian Politics. After becoming the Congress president 1929 in, Jawaharlal Nehru called for complete Independence from the British Rule and along with Mahatma Gandhi and fellow freedom fighters he contributed a lot to release India which was chaired by British.