Who is known as "Father of History”?

Asked 7 years ago
Updated 1 year ago
Viewed 379 times


Who is known as "Father of History”?

1 Answer


Ah, a question about the grand storyteller himself! Thе "Fathеr of History" titlе bеlongs to nonе othеr than Hеrodotus, an anciеnt Grееk historian who livеd around 484-425 BC. He wasn't just some dusty old scholar, though. Imagine a combination of Indiana Jones and a chatty neighbor, traveling across the ancient world, collecting stories, and weaving them into a thrilling epic called "The Histories."

  • Herodotus wasn't a dry history lecturer; he was a passionate storyteller. He interviewed merchants, soldiers, even kings, chasing down rumors and piecing together the puzzle of the past. He wrote about everything: epic battles, strange customs, magnificent temples, and even talking animals (okay, maybe not those last ones, but you get the idea!).
  • What truly earned him the "Father of History" title was his emphasis on fact-checking. He wasn't afraid to question hearsay or challenge established narratives. He compared different accounts, investigated conflicting stories, and even traveled to the places he wrote about to see them firsthand. This laid the foundation for historical research as we know it today, making him the OG fact-checker of the ancient world.
answered 1 year ago by Saumya Mishra

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