Magna Carta is a word derived from the Latin word which means “Great Charter”. This is a type of document which is signed in a June 1215 between the Feudal Barons of Medieval England and King John. For the Medieval England Magna Carta was one of the most important document.
Brief History Of magna Carta are:
Magna Carta was signed at Runnymede near Windsor castle between the Feudal Barons and king John. The documents contains the written promises between the king and his subject that he would govern England and serve people according to the custom of Feudal system.
Why Feudal system?
Many years ago England owned a land in France. For this Barons provided Money and men both to defend his territory. In those days, king consulted the barons before raising taxes and always demand more men for military service. This was all part of the Feudal system.
Changes bring by Magna Carta are as follows:
- • Altogether 63 clauses of the can be found in Magna Carta.
- • That documents can be divided in different sections.
- • The position of the Catholic Church are contain under the first clause.
- • John will be less harsh on the barons, those who follows state.
- • England’s legal system concern with many of the clauses.
- • Laws were good and fair as it is promised by Magna Carta which means that everyone have same laws and access to courts and if someone wants to take problem in the court then that money and cost should not an issue.
- • Magna Carta also states that there is no freeman means there is no person as a serf. If anyone caught then that person will be imprisoned or punished through the proper legal system.
- • In last few section Magna Carta deals with how it is enforced in England. There are 25 barons who were given responsibility of making sure that the king carried out what was stated in the document or Magna Carta.
- • All the king clearly states they can use force if they felt it was required. The impact of Magna Carta was by putting the royal seal of king John tom show people that it had his royal support. In the bottom the largest red seal of the Magna Carta was put over there.

Magna Carta seal