Which country Test-Fires Nuclear-Capable ICBM Agni-V ?

Asked 7 years ago
Updated 1 year ago
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Which country Test-Fires Nuclear-Capable ICBM Agni-V ?

1 Answer


India test-fired the nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) Agni-V on December 15, 2022 from Abdul Kalam Island in Odisha.

  • The Agni-V has a range of over 5,000 km, which means that it can reach any part of China from India. It is also one of the few ICBMs in the world that can carry a multiple re-entry vehicle (MRV) warhead, which means that it can deliver multiple nuclear warheads to different targets with a single missile.
  • The successful test-fire of the Agni-V is a significant achievement for India, as it demonstrates the country's growing missile capabilities. It also sends a strong message to China, which has been developing its own ICBM arsenal at a rapid pace.
  • India has maintained a "no first use" policy on nuclear weapons, which means that it will only use nuclear weapons if it is attacked by another nuclear power. However, the development and deployment of the Agni-V missile gives India a credible nuclear deterrent against China.
answered 1 year ago by Saumya Mishra

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