Where is Daulatabad Fort located?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 730 times

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Daulatabad fort is situated 15 km away from the main city of Aurangabad. Often called as one of the "seven wonders of Maharashtra" this prestigious structure is believed to have been constructed in the 12th century.
Where is Daulatabad Fort located?
It is also known as Devgiri fort comprises the most fascinating qualities in its location, from the top of which one can behold a mesmerizing view of the whole city. It takes 750 steps to reach at its peak area from where a wonderful view can be viewed.
Where is Daulatabad Fort located?
Its outstanding design makes it one of the most powerful fortresses of the medieval times. It is constructed on 200 meters high conical hill, which grants this historic grandeur with a strategic position, architectural aesthetics and protection against the enemy.
One more inspiring aspect associated with this fort is it's engineering genius which worked as a bulletproof shield against the attacks by the forces of enemies and managed irreplaceable water resources very well.

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answered 5 years ago by Saddiya Anwar

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