Difference between Hierarchical relationship and Self Relationship in Salesforce.

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 2053 times


Difference between Hierarchical relationship and Self Relationship in Salesforce.

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The difference between Hierarchical Relationship and Self-Relationship are as follows:

Hierarchical relationships

  • A Hierarchical Relationship is a special type of lookup relationship which is available only for the user object.
  • A Hierarchical Relationship allows users to use a lookup field to collaborate one user with another user without reference to itself directly or indirectly.
  • A Hierarchical Relationship is Self-Relationship of the user object.
  • For example: We can create a custom field with hierarchical relationship to store each user’s direct manager.


  • A Self-Relationship is a relationship when an object lookups with itself.
  • A Self-Relationship creates a tree diagram of the objects, like an account has a lookup with himself, called Parent Account.
  • A special self-relationship of a user object is known as a Hierarchical relationship which helps to create superior roles like a supervisor, manager of the user object.

answered 7 years ago by Anonymous User

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