Application Widgets on Android:

Android application widgets are small apps that run on your Android screens. Generally, it is a shortcut icon that is used to provide different types of functionality in your app.
Android widgets generally display data and take space as a single icon. For example, weather widgets show data about local weather forecasts. Widgets can also be interactive or resizable, such as a sticky note widget
Application widgets are the combination of different android UI widgets. Like-
- Button
- TextView
- EditText
- ImageView
- Button
- DatePicker
- RadioButton
- Checkbox
- Toast, CustomToast
- Spinner
- AlertDialog
- ListView, Custom ListView
- WebView
- TabLayout
- SearchView
- Progressbar
Creating your application layout widgets:
If you want to create your application widgets then different types of layout you can use like-
- FrameLayout
- GridLayout
- Tablelayout
- Co-ordinatorLayout
- ConstraintLayout
- LinearLayout
- RelativeLayout