How wealthy was India before the British arrived?

Asked 7 years ago
Updated 1 year ago
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India was generally known for its riches and monetary success some time before the appearance of the English. The subcontinent's wealth was gotten from a mix of elements, adding to a prospering economy, high level exchange organizations, and social turns of events.

Was India really very rich before the invasion of the British? - Quora


  • Agrarian Economy:

India had a dominatingly agrarian economy, with fruitful terrains supporting different yields. The development of flavors, cotton, indigo, and different products made India an indispensable supporter of the worldwide exchange organization.

  • Exchange and Business:

India was a significant community for exchange and trade, drawing in shippers from various regions of the planet. The Silk Street, associating India to the Mediterranean and East Asia, worked with the trading of merchandise, thoughts, and societies.

  • Rich Empires:

The centers of opulence in India were the various empires and kingdoms that ruled various parts of the country. The Maurya and Gupta domains in old times, trailed by the Vijayanagara Realm and the Mughal Realm, were portrayed by monetary success, social headways, and engineering wonders.

  • Material Industry:

India's material industry was famous internationally, delivering excellent textures and articles of clothing. International trade saw a significant demand for Indian textiles, including fine muslin and silk.

  • Metallurgy and Specialties:

Indian metalurgy and craftsmanship were exceptionally evolved. Intricate jewelry, metalwork, and handicrafts were created by skilled artisans and were highly sought after on international markets.

  • Instructive and Social Focuses:

This scholarly wealth added to India's social standing.

  • Space Science and Arithmetic:

Antiquated Indian commitments to cosmology and arithmetic were notable. The idea of nothing, the decimal framework, and progressions in cosmology displayed India's scholarly accomplishments.

  • Regular Assets:

India had bountiful regular assets, including minerals, wood, and flavors. These assets were vital for supporting neighborhood economies and exchange.


The appearance of the English in the seventeenth century denoted a defining moment. The abundance that India had before English colonization was a consequence of its lively and self-supporting economy, rich social legacy, and commitments to worldwide exchange and information.


Read more: How rich were the Indian Kings before British rule

answered 1 year ago by Baishakhi Ghosh

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