How to get an Android app Crashed?

Asked 12-Jan-2018
Updated 03-Jul-2024
Viewed 921 times

1 Answer



1. Trigger unhandled special cases


Partition by nothing: Purposely make a capability that will deliver remarkable outcomes, like separation by nothing.


Invalid Pointer Special cases: Getting to or changing invalid items to set off an invalid pointer exemption.


How to get an Android app Crashed

2. Utilize Defective Organization Associations


Reenact organization disappointments: Produce code that screens network action and mimics network disappointments or blackouts.


3. Inordinate information/yield execution


Flooding with demands: The flood application utilizes numerous I/O tasks like perusing or composing documents.


Weighty programming interface calls: Settle on such a large number of programming interface decisions in a brief timeframe to over-burden the application.


4. Abuse of assets


Missing things: Attempt to track down things, for example, pictures or connections, that are not in the application.


Invalid sorts: Getting to objects with invalid kinds, like strings, regards the article as a number.


5. Abuse of drug items


Simultaneous occasions: Oversee strings improperly and show ancestral circumstances.


Impeding the principal string: Perform deferred assignments on the primary string to obstruct UI delivering.


6. Inconsistency of machine frameworks


Test on gadgets: Utilize the application on gadgets with various screen sizes, operating system renditions, and equipment setups.


Unsupported APIs: Use APIs that are not upheld in specific gadget or operating system forms.


7. Oversee application consents


Disavow authorizations: Deny consents that are required while the application is hurrying to comprehend how it handles consent refusal.


There is no such thing as demand authorizations—solicitation consents that don't exist or are characterized in the application's manifest.


8. Use Investigating Apparatuses


ADB Orders: Use Android Debug Bridge (ADB) orders to mimic accidents, for example, sending broadcast remarks that the application can't deal with.


Profilers and debuggers: Use profiling and investigating devices to reproduce weighty loads and screen application execution under pressure.


By planning application testing utilizing these strategies, designers can recognize potential breakdown conditions and further develop application heartiness. Guarantee proper special cases dealing with practices and assets that the executives are carrying out to diminish mishaps.


Read more: Who is still facing issues with Android app crashes