What was the process of Jury trials in India?

Asked 7 years ago
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The trial is an organized procedure in which the details of a dispute are submitted to a jury, who then decides whether the accused is liable or not liable for the accusation levelled against him. The prosecutor utilizes evidence and testimony throughout the trial to convince the jury that the accused violated the law.

Jury trials are used in a significant fraction of serious criminal cases in many, but not all, common law legal systems. Because jurors are prone to prejudice, the majority of common law nations in Asia (including Singapore, Pakistan, India, and Malaysia) have eliminated jury trials. For criminal matters, several civil law nations have introduced juries or lay judges into their legal systems. Only the United States uses jury trials regularly in a large range of non-criminal issues. Other common law legal countries employ jury trials in a small number of circumstances (such as wrongful arrest and unlawful imprisonment claims in England and Wales), but real civil jury trials are essentially non-existent elsewhere. Non-legally trained members of arbitration panels in certain civil law countries, on the other hand, determine matters in chosen subject-matter areas related to the arbitration committee participants' areas of competence.

answered 3 years ago by Anonymous User

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