In the state Legislative Council, the Governor nominates one-sixth of the members.
State Legislative Council, also called as Vidhan Parishad and Saasana Mandali, is
India's multiparty state legislatures' upper chamber, with the State Legislative Assembly functioning as the lower house. Its foundation is outlined in Article 169 of the Indian Constitution. Six of the 28 states will have a State Legislative Council by 2022. Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana, Maharashtra, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh are the states in question.
The following is how members of the Legislative Councils are chosen:
Members of local bodies like municipalities, Gram Sabhas, Panchayat Samitis, and Zila Parishads elect one-third of the members.
Members of the State's Legislative Assemblies elect one-third.
Graduate instructors elect one-twelfth of the board.
Graduates from the state's universities elect one-twelfth of the members.
The Governor nominates one-sixth of the members from people with expertise or experience in sectors such as literature, science, the arts, the cooperative movement, and social service.