What are lesser known tourist attractions in Darjeeling?

Asked 08-Jan-2018
Updated 31-Jan-2024
Viewed 723 times

1 Answer



Darjeeling, settled in the Himalayan lower regions, offers not just the popular tea bequests and all-encompassing perspectives on Kanchenjunga yet additionally less popular jewels for vacationers looking for special encounters.

What are lesser known tourist attractions in Darjeeling



Darjeeling's lesser-known attractions include the following:


  • Lamahatta:

A serene villa, Lamahatta, around 23 km from Darjeeling, gives a tranquil retreat encompassed by lavish pine woods and dynamic petitioning God banners. Nature walks, boating in the reservoir, and the tranquil setting are all available to visitors.

  • Monastery of Dali:

While the Mahakal Sanctuary is a well known strict site, the Dali Cloister is an unexpected, yet invaluable treasure. A quieter spiritual experience is provided by the colorful murals and intricate architecture of this Tibetan Buddhist monastery.

  • Harmony Pagoda:

The Japanese Harmony Pagoda, arranged on the inclines of Jalapahar Slope, is much of the time eclipsed by different attractions. In addition to offering a spiritual respite, the pagoda also offers breathtaking views of Darjeeling and the mountains that surround it.

  • Samthar Level:

For those looking for unique objections, Samthar Level, around 85 km from Darjeeling, offers a quiet getaway with its pleasant scenes, customary homestays, and an opportunity to encounter the neighborhood Limbu culture.

  • Garden of Barbotey Rock:

Concealed close to Chunnu Summer Falls, Barbotey Rock Nursery is a terraced garden enhanced with blossom beds, cascades, and grand perspectives. A leisurely stroll away from the bustling crowds would be ideal here.

  • Tinchuley and Takdah:

Darjeeling's rural charm can be fully appreciated in these less-visited neighboring villages. Encircled by orange plantations and tea cultivates, these towns offer a quiet getaway.

  • Singhalia Public Park:

Singhalia is a haven for nature lovers and is frequently overlooked in favor of more well-known national parks. It's home to the tricky red panda and an assortment of verdure. Nature strolls and bird-watching are famous exercises.

  • Bijanbari:

Bijanbari is a charming village 38 kilometers from Darjeeling that is famous for its beautiful Balasan River and agricultural terraces. It provides a glimpse of the region's agrarian culture.

Investigating these less popular attractions in Darjeeling permits explorers to go past the standard traveler circuit, finding the secret fortunes and different encounters that this captivating district brings to the table.


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