Where is the Indian Foreign Trade Institute located?

Asked 7 years ago
Updated 11 months ago
Viewed 486 times


Where is the Indian Foreign Trade Institute located?

1 Answer



The Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) is a lofty association focused on the look at overall business and change. This top spot in South Delhi gives smooth access to various government work environments, discretionary missions, and corporate central command, working with joint efforts and associations for scholarly work and concentrating on sports.

IIFT Delhi Campus: Photos, Virtual Tour

Notwithstanding its overwhelming grounds in New Delhi, IIFT has two other grounds: one in Kolkata, West Bengal, and one more in Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh. The Kolkata grounds, set in Salt Lake City, are alluded to as IIFT Kolkata. It offers similar educational applications and examination-open doors as the principal grounds in New Delhi. The Kakinada grounds, called IIFT Kakinada, center around conferring particular and endless preparation in worldwide substitute and endeavoring to take special care of the requirements of the area.

IIFT is prestigious for its Master of Business Administration in International Business (MBA-IB) prgram, which is moderately shown up for its thorough educational plan, proficient personnel, and undertaking focused technique. The organization additionally gives different projects, like Executive Post Graduate Diploma in International Business (EPGDIB), Testament Projects in Global Business and Commodity The Board, and Ph.D. Programs in worldwide business undertaking and related fields.

With its essential locale, pristine framework, and accentuation on global perspectives, IIFT keeps up with the urgent situation of molding the predetermination heads of worldwide venture and trade in India and then some.


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answered 11 months ago by Baishakhi Ghosh

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