As per our expectation that Windows 10 update will come up with lot more features there are so many changes and upgrades done in the new update. With the Windows creators update, there are so many updates being done in Cortana too.
Here is the list of features through which Cortana has been made more advanced:-
- Now you can control give more commands and instruction with your voice such as turn off, restart, or lock your pc, put your Windows 10 PC into sleep mode, to raise and lower your PC volume, for audio playback controls on Windows 10 apps such as iHeartRadio, NPR One, Audiobooks from Audible.
- Cortana can now even detect a song that is been played somewhere if you ask her she will tell the name of the song along with the name of the artist.
- Microsoft in this update has provided the capability for the application developer to add up virtual assistant (Cortana) to command and give an instruction which is required for developing an application on windows You can see a list of application which could be commanded by Cortana.
- The reminder feature in Cortana has also been enhanced in the creator's update. Now you can set recurring reminders and can repeat it for a week, month, year for the reminders of things taking places in your daily life such as birthdays, anniversaries, appointments, meetings etc.
- Now you can even unlock your pc with your handset with Cortana if you are using a Windows phone cool but you don’t need to worry if you are iOS or Android device user because you can easily download Cortana from google play store or iTunes.