android oreo has bought many minor and major updates which include new features and changes made to the previous version of Android.

the performance is the main aspect of any phone which runs Android. performance improvements are made everytime the android gets updated. developers included the new feature in oreo known as "per app space disk quota" which will automatically delete the cache of the app when they exceed their quota.
Battery life
thanks to background execution limit feature added in oreo, which will limit the services offered to the app which in turn limit the app from executing in the background which will eventually improve the battery life. this feature works in the foreground (like when you are playing games or surfing internet etc.). any app working in the foreground will require foreground and background services to execute. as the user stops the app from using it the app will still run its background services and after some time this feature will force the services to run periodically.
android oreo brings many updates which improve the visual appearance of the app and making it more user-friendly.
It allows you to use two apps at the same time. For example, a user wants to access some document while attending video conferencing he or she can access that at the same time.
Android Oreo introduces the Autofill Framework. which will allows the user to make form filling such as credit card information or login details much efficiently and faster. It can work with any apps as soon as the user enables it under setting.
adaptive icon is also added as a new feature to the android which will help the user to customize the icons in the way he likes. so now you will not be going to need any other paid apps.
It also includes 60 new emojis which user can use on the go.
Bluetooth 5
android oreo gave the full support to the new version of Bluetooth which is fast and will support the better range for the phones to communicate with each other. this will help developers to develop apps which will connect to Bluetooth and use it for the communication.