How do I gain weight? My weight is 54 kg and my age is 18.

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 748 times


How do I gain weight? My weight is 54 kg and my age is 18.

1 Answer


Buddy I literally think your weight according to your age is pretty good don’t be in peer pressure as you must be thinking to build those muscles seeing your mates or someone you admire too. Being fit doesn’t mean having a ripped 6pack abs physique or being a builder.

Think a bit and act smartly by joining a gym and shaping up your body in that particular 54–55 kg weight.
How do I gain weight? My weight is 54 kg and my age is 18.
See this picture Tom Holland our new spider-man he is similar in your age and his weight is around 50 to 55 kg all he has done is shaped his body in a correct way.

So I hope you got your answer hmm!

answered 7 years ago by Anonymous User

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