The world’s tallest and longest glass bridge has opened in which country?

Asked 27-Dec-2017
Viewed 624 times


The world’s tallest and longest glass bridge has opened in which country?

1 Answer


The world’s tallest and longest glass floor bridge was opened in Shijiazhuang, China to the public.

The world’s tallest and longest glass bridge has opened in which country?

The bridge stretches about the length of 488 meters and 2 meters wide. The bridge stands at the height of 218 meters above the valley between the two steep cliffs in Hongyagu Scenic Area in Pingshan County. As well as, it is made up of total 1,077 pieces of transparent glass in which each glass is of 4 centimeters thick and weighs a total of 70 metric tons of glass.
The glass floor sky bridge is designed in such a manner that it swings a little when visitors walk at its center. The experts have also claimed that the bridge is so strong that it can support up to 2,000 people, but however, due to precaution measures, only 500 people are allowed to be on it at one time.
The one of its kind longest glass bridge was designed by an Israeli Architect Haim Dotam. The floor of the bridge is made up of multilayered glass and allow those people who dare to cross the bridge and made themselves to see just how far above the ground they stand.
After a while, the company also invited many volunteers who try to smash the glass panels with sledgehammers which shows the strength and durability of the glass with which the bridge is made of. However, people also drove a car across the bridge to test the quality and strength of the bridge.