Which one of the following lakes is a salt water lake?

Asked 26-Dec-2017
Viewed 763 times

1 Answer


“Sambhar Lake” in Jaipur, Rajasthan is one and only salt water lake in India. It is the biggest inland salt lake in India

Which one of the following lakes is a salt water lake?

The lake is located at an altitude of 1,200 feet above the sea level. When it is completely filled with water, its area is approximately 90 square miles. The length of the lake is 11 meters. Three rivers and fall meet with this salt water Sambhar Lake. The production of salt is done extensively from this lake. There is about 38 number of towns are present at the surrounding of the lake. The Sambhar Lake is India’s largest saline lake and is present at Ramsar site and witness the presence of thousands of pink flamingos and waterfowl birds.
However, the Anthropogenic pressures have just ruined the wetland of International importance in the state. Under the Ramsar Convention on the wetland, the Ramsar site number 464, the Sambhar Salt Lake which had been the largest saline lake, now it dangerously very close to its extinction. There was a time when thousands of Pink Flamingoes used to visit the lake but now the lake has dried up to a very low level and as a result, the count of visitors i.e. of Pink Flamingoes goes to a few counts.
Earlier, the salt was extracted from the lake by using the method of Surface Brine, but now it done by 1,544 bore wells dug all over the lake. Despite being the Ramsar site, Sambhar Lake has not been declared a wetland under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1978 and, till today, there is no any single authority present which could be held responsible for the Ramsar wetland.