PACS, an institute of NABARD works at the gram panchayat and village level. In PACS, A stands for?

Asked 14-Dec-2017
Viewed 1370 times


PACS, an institute of NABARD works at the gram panchayat and village level. In PACS, A stands for?

1 Answer


In PACS, 'A' stands for 'Agricultural'. 

                                         PACS, an institute of NABARD works at the gram panchayat and village level. In PACS, A stands for?

PACS, stands for Primary Agricultural Credit Society which in india is one of the basic unit and smallest co-operative credit institutions .

It is entitled to work on the basic level that is gram panchayat and village level in india.

Thanks for the answer. - Anonymous User23-Jul-2019