Does chewing gum really stay inside you for years?

Asked 14-Dec-2017
Viewed 673 times


Does chewing gum really stay inside you for years?

1 Answer


In our childhood, it has happened so many times with us however the fact that the chewing gums remain inside our body for seven years if swallowed is actually not true.

Does chewing gum really stay inside you for years?

Chewing gums are basically made up of synthetic material which comes up with added flavors but actually its gum resin. Well, it’s well known by all of us that our digestive system is capable of absorbing and digesting the absorb sweeteners, such as sugar, and they can add up to a lot of calories if you chew a lot of sugary gum.

However, our digestive system can't digest the gum resin. It's moved through the digestive tract by the normal pushing (peristaltic) actions of the gut. The gum's journey ends during a trip to the bathroom.

"So it's just a myth that a chewing gum stays inside our body for seven years"