In terms of social and digital interactive media, are there any emerging trends or technology that we should be looking out for?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 515 times


In terms of social and digital interactive media, are there any emerging trends or technology that we should be looking out for?

1 Answer


“Virtual reality is one of the leading emerging trends you should definitely look out for” 
Understanding the virtual reality terms is really simple as the term ‘virtual reality’ essentially means that ‘near-reality’. This could, of course, mean something however it always refers to a particular kind of reality emulation.
In terms of social and digital interactive media, are there any emerging trends or technology that we should be looking out for?
In class we tend to all learned that we've 5 senses: style, touch, smell, sight, and hearing. These are solely our most evident sense organs. The reality is that humans have more senses than this, like a way of balance for instance. These different sensory inputs and some special process of sensory data by our brains ensure that we have a fashionable flow of knowledge from the atmosphere to our minds.

Everything that we all know concerning our reality comes by the method of our senses. In different words, our entire expertise of reality is just a mixture of sensory data and our brains sense-making mechanisms for that data. It stands to reason then, that if you'll be able to lift your senses with made-up data, your perception of reality would conjointly amendment in response to that. You’d be given a version of reality that isn’t extremely there, however from your perspective it'd be perceived as real.  One thing we might talk to as a computer game.

wanna know more about this amazing technology then click this: Virtual reality a paradise technology
answered 7 years ago by Anonymous User
  1. Yes, I agree. - Anonymous User 6 years ago

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