8085 Microprocessor!
8085 is articulated as "eighty-eighty-five" chip. It is an 8-bit chip planned by Intel in 1977 utilizing NMOS innovation.
It has the accompanying arrangement -
- 8-bit Data Bus
- 16-bit address bus, which can address up to 64KB
- A 16-bit program counter
- A 16-bit stack pointer
- Six 8-bit registers orchestrated in sets: BC, DE, HL
- Requires +5V supply to work at 3.2 MHZ single stage clock
It is utilized as a part of a microwave, washing machine, cell phones, and so forth.
8085 Microprocessor consists of 8-Bit of Arithmetic Logic Unit. thus, it is called as 8-Bit Microprocessor.
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