WhatsApp is a top-rated application, this chatting application has been praised worldwide because it’s simple in use and has multifunctional features which allow a user to perform a various activity of sending and receiving files along with sending conversational messages.
WhatsApp was launched on 24th February 2009, making an account on WhatsApp is literally very simple. Follow these simple steps to create a WhatsApp account
At first, download the Whats App application from the application store on your phone/tablet.
Open it after downloading.
It will ask to place your contact number with which you want to register your account.
After adding your phone number you will get an OTP code in your message box on your factory messaging application.
Put that 4 digit code in the required place on WhatsApp application.
Then you will be asked do a registration in which you will be asked to give your basic personal details such as name, a country in which you live, your date of birth and a picture if you want to add on to your profile.
After completing these easy steps your account will be ready to be used and WhatsApp will automatically sync up the contacts from your phone to WhatsApp and will make ready to chat.