What is Routing in MVC ?

Asked 06-Dec-2017
Updated 11-Sep-2023
Viewed 745 times

1 Answer


Routing in the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture is a critical mechanism that directs incoming web requests to the appropriate controller for processing. It serves as a bridge between the user's interaction with the application and the corresponding code that handles that interaction.

In MVC, the routing process begins when a user sends a request to a web application, typically by entering a URL into a browser. The routing system then parses this URL to determine which controller should handle the request. This decision is based on predefined routing rules set up in the application.

These routing rules are often defined in a configuration file or through attributes in the code. They specify patterns that incoming URLs should match in order to be mapped to specific controllers and actions. For example, a rule might dictate that URLs starting with "/products" should be directed to a "ProductsController".

Once the appropriate controller is identified, the routing system invokes the corresponding action method within that controller. This action method is responsible for processing the request, which may involve tasks like retrieving data from a database, applying business logic, and preparing a response.

Additionally, routing enables the passing of parameters from the URL to the action method. For instance, in a URL like "/products/details/123", "123" might represent the unique identifier of a specific product, which can be extracted and used within the corresponding action method.

The routing process is fundamental to achieving separation of concerns in MVC. It ensures that the handling of HTTP requests is distinct from the logic pertaining to data manipulation and presentation. This separation promotes maintainability and flexibility in web application development.

In summary, routing in MVC is the mechanism that interprets incoming URLs and directs them to the appropriate controller and action for processing. It is a crucial component that helps maintain a clean and organized structure in web applications, facilitating the division of responsibilities between different parts of the application.