What is God ?

Asked 21-Nov-2017
Viewed 1181 times

1 Answer


Listening to this term “GOD
What is the first thing that comes to your mind…
If, I am not wrong might be this…
What is God
These are all the existing religion that one or the other follows… If, I am not wrong tends to follow… That is because his family is following.
Think about it… When a Child is born… Do us as the practitioner of GOD explains to them its real meaning… Or any concept behind, why we need to practice any such religion for his lifetime…?

Rather, we not even tell them about the existence… We just ask them to practice it without giving any logic behind it… and give birth to another victim of fear!!!

A question might be raised again… Victim of Fear? How?

You might be thinking we never forced anyone to do so… But we as parent forget that we did not ever disclose about other religion into existence while we were the only teacher of our newborn…

It is just like teaching your child brushing his teeth… Once they get habitual about it, they get stuck into it forever and would never be able to come out of that for their entire lifetime… In the same way, we teach them practicing certain ritual or rites might be unconscious which they start following without knowing… Why am I doing so? That’s because those right and ritual are been chained with fear of GOD!

Hence, we become mechanical in our practice
That is what the above-mentioned animation shows… Well, I will get back to the interpretation later again
Let us know then…What is GOD?
What is God ?
Seeking GOD… But where?
At Home…?
In Temples…?
In the Himalayas…?
You know what…? We are similar to a Deer! Again confused… How?
What is God

A deer has a one really beautiful thing in him and that is a “Deer Musk”… This deer musk has a persistent odor found in their navel… Because he is unaware of this fact…Thus he keeps on running after that smell to find from where does it come from… In the same way, the essence or whatever you may call it… Is present inside us but we just like a deer keep on roaming around places to find him…

Let me support my statements via an article:

Now, let me come back to the above-mentioned amination image… Now, observe the image very carefully…

  • One Picture: Shows knowing this fact that GOD is ‘ONE’… We have created six or more different ways to follow him…
  • No Eyes: Shows in the religion all the rights and rituals that we perform… Maximum percentage of the people does not even know why they are performing or believing in them…
  • Shadow of Light on their face: Shows every religion explains constraint amount of knowledge to the seeker about GOD just like those Impersonator who japn it as if they witnessed those events live… Pushing us to those rituals which our heart does not allow still we are forced to perform out of fear…
Now, I would like to ask few of the question from you all…
Do you love your Mother out of fear…?
Do you perform activities just to keep or mother happy or to make yourself a better person…?
Do you hide things from your mother?
Does your mother ever get angry with you?

The answer is “NO!” to all questions right…
Then why do you need to involve yourself in such ‘Dogmas’ which you think will make GOD happy on you…
GOD can never be angry with you… Just like your mother, GOD only knows how to love and spread love… as your mother does…
I am just not against any of the rituals but I am against those who perform those with understanding the concept behind each of the rituals…
We are so much stuck into this that at the end we are back to square 1 and hence reached nowhere…
So, my statement would only be “Gain wisdom and become like a Lion… Not like a sheep who follows another sheep without knowing where it goes
Well, let you know my way of seeking him…
Well… Everyone perform meditation but a correct form of meditation would actually help us to grow in the knowledge, what GOD is?
Practicing Meditation on Heart through Transmission would help you seek the real knowledge about seeking GOD…
Spreading Love within and outside… Loving that GOD who is somewhere listening to all the time…with love and care… Holding your hand and walking with you…
Seeking GOD is similar to imbibing his qualities in yourself…
Experiment it and believe…!
Here you go!

This Meditation would help you to get the experience of GOD…
I tried!
Had an amazing experience till now!
Now it’s your time!
Hope you find GOD…!
What is God
Cheers to GOD!