Which animal can create the loudest sound among any leaving creature?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 1086 times


Which animal can create the loudest sound among any leaving creature?

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Humpback Whales!

Which animal can create the loudest sound among any leaving creature?

Humpback Whales are the species belonging to Baleen Whale. It is been considered as on the largest species of Rorqual, talking about the weight and height of the adult whale is 36,000 kg and 12-16 m respectively. With a knobbly head and long pectoral behaviors constructs a distinctive body shape of a humpback whale. It is popular as Whale Watcher because of its distinctive behavior and breaching. Male Humpback Whales produces a song of 10-20 mins which the repeatedly go for an hour.

Humpback Whales are usually found all around the globe in oceans and seas up to 25,000 km. They usually feed in polar waters and migrate in subtropical and tropical water bodies. They usually eat small fish and krills.

Well, knowing about them was quite interesting...!

Cheers! ;)

answered 7 years ago by Anonymous User

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