Which animal has largest brain in the world?

Asked 21-Nov-2017
Viewed 2539 times

1 Answer


Largest Brain!
Brilliant to know about this fact… That Sperm Whale has the largest brain in terms of weight….
Which animal has largest brain in the world?

Let us know more about this incredible creature…

Sperm Whale has the largest brain weighing 8 kg or 5 times of the human brain which in comparison is more than any other existing creature on this planet... Though it has the largest brain it does not quantify any such facts about it great intelligence too… But being a part of a cetacean family they displayed quite a good intelligence show as species.

This creature is also considered as the largest toothed whale also known as the Physeter Macrocephalus which is its scientific name. This being is the only member living from the genus Physeter. They migrate seasonally for breeding and feeding as they been a pelagic mammal worldwide.
Having a good length of 20.4216 meters, they also belong in the category of the largest whale.

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