What are different Types of Join?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 881 times

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Understanding what a JOIN is...

Combining two or more tables according to the terms mentioned in the table is possible because of the JOIN clause.

There are several types of JOIN that are mentioned:

  • Inner JOIN
  • Left (Outer) JOIN
  • Right (Outer) JOIN
  • Full (Outer) JOIN

Learning about these terms in details…

Let us seek more about them...

Inner JOIN: It selects those values whose entry are common in tables using INNER JOIN keyword
What are different Types of Join?

Left (Outer) JOIN: It returns all the values present in Table 1 with the Table 2. It displays NULL value if nothing matches Table 2.
What are different Types of Join?

Right (Outer) JOIN: It returns all the values present in Table 2 with the Table 1. It displays NULL value if nothing matches Table 1.
What are different Types of Join?

Full (Outer) JOIN: Either of the matches in Table 1 or Table 2 is been returned as records. It is considered to as the large data-set.
What are different Types of Join?

Hope you enjoyed learning…

All The Best!

answered 7 years ago by Anonymous User
  1. Check following articles: https://www.mindstick.com/Articles/450/joins-in-sql-server https://www.mindstick.com/Articles/981/join-in-sql-server - Uttam Misra 7 years ago
  2. Thank You for the answer. - Anonymous User 5 years ago

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