What is Difference between Function and Stored Procedure?

Asked 7 years ago
Updated 7 months ago
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What is Difference between Function and Stored Procedure?

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Stored Procedure Vs Function in SQL Server



Function: Basically, it is used to register a value and bring it back. Capabilities can be utilized in SQL questions.


Stored Procedure: Intended to play out a particular undertaking, which can incorporate various tasks like supplement, update, erase, or complex estimations.



Use in SQL articulations:


Function: Can be called from a SQL proclamation (e.g., SELECT, WHERE, or JOIN provisions).


Stored Procedure: Can't be called straightforwardly from SQL proclamations. They are executed utilizing the Executive or EXECUTE order.





Function: Just permits input boundaries.


Stored Procedure: Permits info, result, and info yield boundaries.





Function: Can't contain exchange the board proclamations (e.g., Start Exchange, Commit, Rollback).


Stored Procedure: Can incorporate exchange on the board to guarantee information respectability.



Blunder dealing with:


Function: Restricted blunder dealing with abilities. Utilization of attempt CATCH blocks isn't permitted in all data sets.


Stored Procedure: Improved mistake taking care of with Attempt CATCH blocks.





Function: By and large, it is quicker for straightforward estimations and can be streamlined by the data set motor.


Stored Procedure: Can be advanced for complex tasks and different proclamations. Put away systems are precompiled, which can further develop execution.



Secondary effects:


Function: Should be liberated from secondary effects, meaning it shouldn't change the condition of the information base (no additions, refreshes, or erases).


Stored Procedure: Can have side impacts by adjusting the data set state by performing DML tasks.



Code Reusability:


Function: High reusability inside SQL inquiries because of their capacity to straightforwardly bring values back.


Stored Procedure: High reusability for performing explicit errands that require numerous tasks or complex business rationale.





Function: Executes inside the setting of a SQL proclamation and returns a value straightforwardly to the assertion.


Stored Procedure: Executes as a different bunch and doesn't straightforwardly return a value to the calling SQL proclamation.



Settling and recursion:


Function: Can be settled and called recursively, dependent upon information base cutoff points.


Stored Procedure: Can call different strategies and themselves (recursion), considering complex tasks.



By understanding these distinctions, designers can pick the most fitting development in light of the particular prerequisites of their data set tasks and application rationale.


Read more: How does Google's Cloud SQL manage relational databases in the cloud

answered 7 months ago by Amartya Singh

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