What is India's rank as the most vulnerable country in the world on Global Climate Risk Index (CRI) 2018 released by Germanwatch?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 753 times


What is India's rank as the most vulnerable country in the world on Global Climate Risk Index (CRI) 2018 released by Germanwatch?

1 Answer


Global Climate Risk Index!

Let us go through the report of 2018...

What is India

On the Global Climate Risk Index (CRI) 2018, India was indexed as 6th in position was released by GermanWatch.

Knowing more about what Global Climate Risk Index (CRI) 2018 is:

The countries are been ranked by it as per their severe weather conditions.

  • Surveying the death number in every 100000 colonists, term of loss of GDP per unit and financial catastrophe is been integrated by the Germanwatch for CRI ranking
  • The integration of the rank was done considering dossier from International Monetary Fund related to population and economics
  • CRI’s immediate report considered only weather-related affairs for example, temperature fluctuations, storms and floods wherein they did not ever take into account of the losses that of finance or life that happened due natural disaster like volcanic eruptions, tsunami and earthquake due to their relationship with the climate change was unsupported hence these contexts was not been considered

Here you go with the proof...

What is India

Hope, these reports or predictions may be used in an efficient manner to overcome such intensity in the weather conditions...

All The Best!

answered 7 years ago by Anonymous User
  1. Thanks for the answer. - Anonymous User 5 years ago

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