What is the difference between science and technology?

Asked 7 years ago
Updated 7 years ago
Viewed 1562 times


What is the difference between science and technology?

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Science V/s Technology!
Let us first understand what exactly science and technology are…
I have two images with me…
One projects Science
What is the difference between science and technology?
The other is Technology
What is the difference between science and technology?
Now observe, how your neurons wiring is churning…

Well, no issues come on, let us find it out…

The basic difference that everyone could make out is:
Science is the discovery of natural process…whereas technology is the invention of products.
Pondering upon the real essence of these two words…Ummm! Science is the knowledge that is been developed using experiments and observational skills of their physical and natural structure.
Technology is the use of scientific knowledge which is been applied for practical purpose.

What is Science?

Well, a beautiful explanation of the uniqueness of science… Science has been the art, discovery, mathematics, physics, biology, and chemistry. The blend of these channels has been the pillar of science, a process that is been found after experimentation, observation, and analysis of the natural events. The knowledge of science is been supported by all, It is something that is ongoing. The systematic process to support findings and conclusion.
What is the difference between science and technology?

What is Technology?

Description of technology does not come to the full-stop, let us know more about it…Technology is the advance word for “Applied Science”. It is the application of the scientific knowledge that invents a product, makes human existence more efficient and easy. Hence, working upon the scientific theories can lead to a new technology.
What is the difference between science and technology?

Well, this differentiation will keep on filling the sheet in a wider run….

Hope, you add to the list more…

All The Best!

answered 7 years ago by Anonymous User
  1. Thanks for the reply : ) - Anonymous User 7 years ago
  2. Thanks for the explanation. - Anonymous User 5 years ago

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