Which state government has launched ‘Solar Briefcase’ to provide electricity in remote areas?

Asked 16-Nov-2017
Viewed 776 times


Which state government has launched ‘Solar Briefcase’ to provide electricity in remote areas?

1 Answer


Solar Briefcase!

Which state government has launched ‘Solar Briefcase’ to provide electricity in remote areas?

The Government of Uttarakhand in association with “Swan Cultural Center and Foundation”, a charitable funding agency launched “Solar Briefcase” for the electricity supply in the area near Kedarnath Dham and all the rustic places by its spread.

Which state government has launched ‘Solar Briefcase’ to provide electricity in remote areas?

Further grab the details on the below link:

Report On the Solar Breifcase Established at Uttarakhand


Thank you for the information. - Anonymous User14-May-2019