What is SEO?

Asked 15-Nov-2017
Updated 11-Jul-2024
Viewed 1220 times

4 Answers


SEO stands for search engine optimization. The name speaks for itself, in SEO, you optimize your website or content for search engines along with the users. It’s a procedure to attract and gain quality traffic on your website organically.

SEO services comprise a set of actions done with the aim to get the search engine’s attention and get ranked eventually. Along with optimization, it includes various other parts as well including some tech things.



SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Through SEO the performance of a website can be improved and make the reach of the website to a large number of user worldwide. The SEO, as well as the other methods, are there to improve the performance of the website. Nowadays, the Sponsorship or we say, Sponsored Posting is very much in trend to promote a website or any product just by writing good content and posting it to a trustable portal which can improve the reach of the website and attract a good audience. 

So, here another trustable portal for you is MindStick. MindStick also provides the service of Sponsored Posting and promotion. For any kind of inquiry, any interested person can contact us on contact@mindstick.com or a registered user can also become a Sponsored User by purchasing the available packages through his own User Id. 


Search Engine Optimisation better known as SEO  is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.


SEO or search engine optimization it generally means getting your website shown on first page of search results. It is basically done for beneficial purpose such as websites promotion, page promotion, product Promotion Company or any firm promotion etc. What is SEO?SEO is important as a company needs to attract its customers to get new customers. As we all know these days online presence of any setup, company, and firm is really important. By spreading things online it gets easy to get appeal of mass no. of consumers or customer. People have ease to go on a particular website and have information about their desired products along with this they easily know product specification its price payment option and much more things . As we know these days consumers expect a lot from a particular company.

SEO is really vast term when you go in detail for more detailed info you must click the link given below:

search engine optimization and its importance