What is difference between String builder and String buffer?

Asked 14-Nov-2017
Updated 23-May-2023
Viewed 685 times


What is difference between String builder and String buffer?

1 Answer


StringBuilder and StringBuffer are both classes in Java that are used to manipulate strings. They are similar in many ways, but there are a few key differences between them. Here is a explanation of the differences between StringBuilder and StringBuffer:

What is difference between String builder and String buffer

1. Mutability: One of the main differences between StringBuilder and StringBuffer is their mutability. StringBuilder is mutable, meaning that its value can be changed after it is created. On the other hand, StringBuffer is also mutable, allowing modifications to its value. This mutability makes both classes more efficient for string manipulation compared to the immutable String class.

2. Thread-safety: This is a significant distinction between StringBuilder and StringBuffer. StringBuffer is designed to be thread-safe, meaning that it can be safely used in multithreaded environments where multiple threads are concurrently accessing and modifying the same object. StringBuffer achieves thread-safety by using synchronized methods, which ensure that only one thread can access the object at a time. StringBuilder, however, is not thread-safe. It does not provide synchronization, making it more efficient in single-threaded scenarios but potentially leading to inconsistent results if used concurrently by multiple threads.

3. Performance: StringBuilder generally offers better performance than StringBuffer in single-threaded scenarios. Since StringBuilder is not thread-safe, it does not incur the overhead of synchronization, making it faster. In contrast, StringBuffer's synchronized methods introduce some performance overhead due to the necessary thread-safety mechanisms. However, in multithreaded environments where thread-safety is required, StringBuffer's synchronized nature ensures the integrity of the data but comes at the cost of reduced performance compared to StringBuilder.

4. Usage: StringBuilder is typically preferred in situations where thread-safety is not a concern, such as single-threaded environments or when synchronization is managed externally. It is commonly used for string manipulations in performance-critical operations. StringBuffer, on the other hand, is favored when thread-safety is required, such as in concurrent or multithreaded environments. It provides a safe way to manipulate strings across multiple threads.

In summary, StringBuilder and StringBuffer are similar in terms of their functionalities for string manipulation. However, the main differences lie in their mutability, thread-safety, and performance characteristics. StringBuilder is mutable, not thread-safe, and offers better performance in single-threaded scenarios. StringBuffer is also mutable but provides thread-safety through synchronized methods, making it suitable for multithreaded environments but with reduced performance. The choice between the two classes depends on the specific requirements of the application, considering factors such as thread-safety, performance, and usage context.