How to check website rank?

Asked 14-Nov-2017
Viewed 496 times

1 Answer


there are so many web applications which can check your website rank mentioned below are some of them:

PageRank (PR)

The Page Rank service from Google is that the hottest thanks to live the standard and recognition of a web {site} however it alone is not enough to allow North American nation the right plan if a site is nice or not. There are a unit too several sites with inflated PR, therefore we won't trust PR alone.

The principle of PR is that sites area unit divided into eleven classes with ranks from zero to ten, severally (plus the N/A class of web sites that aren't enclosed within the ranking as well).


Unlike PR, Alexa does not divide sites in teams. Rather, it arranges them in a very list. The foremost standard sites, like Google, Facebook, or Twitter area unit at the highest. The thought here is that the lower the Alexa ranking, the lot of standard the location is. Sites with Alexa ranking underneath 10K area unit thought-about exceptionally standard.

Sites with Alexa ranking of 10K to 30K fancy excellent quality. Sites of Alexa ranking up to 100K do get quite tight traffic. It may be speculated that sensible sites span up to 200-250K and everything higher than this area unit sites with low traffic.

It is best if you employ Alexa in conjunction with PR. whereas there's some correlation between the 2, it's not AN exception to search out sites with PR6 and Alexa of quite 100K, or with PR3 or four and Alexa over 1,000,000. Simply assure a web site in 2 or a lot of ranking services and this can enable you to see its connectedness.

One of the perks of Alexa is that it conjointly permits to examine that country the bulk of a site's traffic comes from.

Compete is not as through because the initial 2 services as a result of they gather their knowledge from a sample of two million North American nation users solely however still it helps to induce a thought if a web site is standard within the North American nation or not. After you analyze vie knowledge, you may notice that regularly sites with sensible PR and Alexa area unit virtually extraordinary within the States and the other way around.

Quant cast

Quant cast is additionally a service targeted chiefly at the North American nation market. It conjointly gathers knowledge from a sample instead of the overall net population however in its case the sample is comprised of computer masters, UN agency insert a code snipped on their sites, so permitting to trace guests. Quant cast conjointly gather their knowledge from ISPs and ad firms. gratuitous to mention, Quant cast isn't reliable as a result of their area unit several nice sites that do not use its services however still it's an additional service to ascertain, if you're speculative if a web site is nice or not.