Sleeping at least 7 hours a day is very important to one’s body well-being and general health. Throughout the period of sleep, the body is further rejuvenated and grows muscles, tissues and synthesizes proteins. Another benefit of getting enough sleep is that one will not likely to get sick frequently as their immune system will be boosted. The effect is that the body cannot heal, and people are likely to fall prey to killer diseases such as the heart diseases and diabetes.
Sleep is one of the most important elements that have an impact on cognitive processes and mental health. It is found that seven hours of sleep helps memory consolidation to occur in the brain to process information better. It also enhances concentration, critical thinking abilities, and imagination as well when taking Dodgson’s view. Whereas, chronic sleep loss has negative effects on the decision making ability and predisposes individuals to anxiety and depression disorders. Or one major step towards good mental health and stability is to be considerate of the hours of sleep needed to be had at night.
Sufficient sleep is considered to have the impact on weight and metabolism regulation. There are hormones, leptin and ghrelin that are impacted on the sleep and are responsible for hunger and appetite. This balance is upset with inadequate sleep leading to overeating and increase in weight. Also, lack of sleep hatches the effects of insulin thereby resulting to type 2 diabetes. Two major benefits of getting enough sleep are having a healthy metabolism as well as managing body weight since seven hours of sleep are necessary for a day.
Stress and regulation of emotions are some of the key aspects of life that may be influenced by sleep or lack of it in this case. If the mind is rested then it can easily be able to face challenges that may come its way and remains productive. It increases stress and irritability consequently, people who lack sleep become ineffective to deal with various challenges in their lives. That is why it is crucial to allocate seven hours to sleep so that a stressed person could become more resilient, think positively and have less negative effects of stress on him or her.
Lastly, Getting quality sleep makes human being more productive and leads a better quality life. It has also been established that people with quality sleep are more energized, awake and productive in their activities. It must be noted that sleep deprivation results into fatigue, low energy levels, poor motivation and poor performance. Sleeping should be done for at least 7 hours every night to ensure that people get the most out of themselves in terms of health, happiness and achievements.
In conclusion, It can be suggested that at least 7 hours of sleep should be considered as one of the most crucial components for a healthy lifestyle . It helps in boosting up immune system and in the process of regeneration, in improving both mental performance and mood, as well as in the treatment of obesity and stress. This is because by getting dostate, one is able to realise his/her full potential and bring about an enhanced quality of life in addition to preventing several diseases. It is indeed a disease to be awake during one’s reproductive years and not be able to sleep.