High-level and low-level programming languages have their uses and are different in terms of abstraction, as well as, their code readability and functions they can perform on a computer. These differences describe how programmers interface with the hardware and software and influence the development’s time and efficiency. It is critical to be aware these distinctions so one may be able to select the best language depending on certain objectives of the projects.
They are easier as compared to low level languages because high level programming languages are designed in such a manner. They are more semantically sophisticated, and thus, more natural than other three-tuples, and this makes them more suitable for learning and imparting. High level languages such as Python, Java and C++ enable the programmers to work with IT problems rather than low level operations. There are instance and example stored in high level language which help a lot in shortening the time to develop.
Moreover, low-level languages are more controlled and precise since they work closer to the hardware level. Some of them include assembly language and machine code languages. Although they are not as basic as high level languages, they offer great speed and the possibility of manipulating memory directly. At low levels, the language is used in applications such as embedded systems, device drivers, operating systems and so on.

The first difference is that one deals with a higher level of abstraction as compared to the other. Thus, high level languages hide details of the hardware so that applications can be written with out the detailed knowledge of Memory or other Hardware-components. Low levels, on the other hand, have a direct interaction with the architecture of the computer system and are therefore more complex but useful.
Finally, the decision between high-level programming language and a low-level programming language depends on the project requirements. As a result, high level language is used in order to have a fast and more efficient application development and cross platform compatibility. Still, if performance, such as resource management or controlling at the level of computer hardware, are important, then low-level languages are preferable.
In conclusion, High level programming languages and low level programming languages are different in terms of abstraction, control and purpose. High level languages are easy to use, do not take much time to write programs and have many applications while low level languages are accurate, efficient and give direct access to the hardware. Which language or rather both should be used in a project depends on the characteristic features that the project requires, for instance, if the project requires speed and does not highly concern efficiency, then Java is the most suitable language to use. Having an understanding of these differences will allow the developers to make the right decision in constructing efficient software solutions.