How are emerging technologies influencing modern warfare and national security strategies?

Asked 1 month ago
Updated 1 month ago
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Modern technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Drones, as well as cyber platforms are on the centre stage in influencing current warfare and national security. These facilitations improve speed in decision making, pinpoint accuracy in the targets and surveillance but bring in ethical issues and strategies. These innovations must therefore be embraced and managed in a way that allows the members of the international system to remain relevant and effectively regulate the increased threats within an environment characterized by increased interconnectivity.

AI is also being used in the context of CMD by managing and analyzing big data to find threats in operation theatre in real time. But this comes with vices that include; Bias and vulnerability to hackers’ attacks because it is based on algorithms. AI should be incorporated into national security plans carefully with measures being taken to prevent leakage and misuse. This balance is of much importance if AI will be of benefit to the society while at the same time discard the effects that are at time harmful.

Unmanned aerial vehicles and self-driving systems have given a new face to warfare by minimizing man’s intervention in a war zone. They are precise, more efficient and cost efficient, though they elicit some ethical issues regarding authority and abuse. To prevent the unintended negative impacts of their use, there is a need to legalize them internationally to conform with humanitarian laws regarding their application.

Cybersecurity has been widely considered as an essential aspect of national security due to the increasing advancement in the instances of cyber attacks. Cyber-attacks on the critical infrastructure and data loss and leakage instances can cause the downturn of nations as well as reduce the confidence in its populace. National governments have to ensure that they put their best for protection against cybercriminals and involve key players in the society in defending against threats in cyberspace.

The utilization of quantum computers and hypersonic missile systems are acknowledged as the new forms of addition to the world of warfare. Quantum computing poses a threat to the conventional encryption while hypersonic weapons imply speed and accuracy which is almost impossible to counter. Such technologies require active defense against the risks that face them and the adoption of better measures to their usage. They have to embrace such changes in technology in the fastest possible manner in order to have an edge amidst evolving technologies.


In conclusion, It can be stated that emerging technologies without any doubt contribute towards remodelling the contemporary warfare and protection dynamics of nations/ states but that comes with a system of problems. There is no doubt that nations will need to weave AI, unmanned aerial systems, cyberspace, and quantum development into their strategic and operational ways of war and peace but, in order to do so, it is imperative that there are strong norms and rules to follow and the cooperation of nation-states. One can achieve innovations without compromising on responsibility in order to avoid certain negative impacts and to bring stability to the international community. It is evident that the future security strongly depends on the processes based on these advancements being controlled and used solely for security purposes.

answered 1 month ago by Meet Patel

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