Who has done more for India, Congress or BJP?

Asked 14-Nov-2024
Updated 18 days ago
Viewed 112 times

1 Answer


The controversy between the Congress party and the BJP over which of them has done more for India’s development has to be measured objectively. Having been accorded the mantle of leadership in the initial years of the country’s existence, the Congress can be credited with the blueprint of our economy and polity. Sources like the Green Revolution and industrialization helped to build India’s defense mechanisms of agriculture and trade. Nonetheless, its long monopoly was accompanied by accusations of ineffectiveness, embezzlement, and decision paralysis regarding the precise unsuitable policy execution.

The BJP, however, relied mainly on contemporary issues of modernization, reforms, and an unambiguous economic liberalization process after coming to power in 2014. Some of its ambitious campaigns are Digital India, and Make in India which focus on embracing technology and promoting domestic manufacturing. The phenomenon known as decentralization is accompanied by several contra-examples such as introducing the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and implementing large-scale infrastructure projects. However, these avenues have boosted the economic growth they have been criticized for promoting the interest of particular industries.

The two parties have agreed on social welfare issues but always used different means. Congress introduced landmark schemes like the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), which increased employment in rural areas. The BJP introduced schemes such as the Jan Dhan Yojana PM—KISAN, which benefitted directly from finances. Today, both parties have demonstrated a concern with reducing poverty in America, but problems in effective implementation have hampered the continental growth of such policies.

Who has done more for India Congress or BJP

While Congress has always been typical of a highly decentralized polity, the BJP has taken a highly centralized and authoritative attitude to governance. Perhaps the BJP’s approach favoured this and facilitated quicker decisions. However, there is hardly any doubt that this style has the built-in pitfalls of undermining the balance of democracy. While being close to people with the power to make decisions is important, Congress has been accused of creating political dynasties and rigidity because it has failed to transform in response to new governance requirements.

Each has done something significant, but it all depends on which one is of paramount concern. The Congress party was the architect of the accumulation of institutions, whereas the BJP is responsible for rapidly accumulating reforms and developing infrastructure. Measuring their inputs requires understanding the strengths and weaknesses they have brought to the table of India’s growth.


In conclusion, it is seen that Congress and BJP both have been very active and crucial in framing up the development course chart of India with their difference and focus. Thus, the formative years have a very important place in the development of the American political system because Congress during development have addressed and created the fundamental questions of the state such as food security, industrialization. The BJP, on the other hand has reached and followed modernization, economic liberalization and infrastructural development which have brought fast transformation in the recent past. Measuring them is not about polarizing them but identifying how, given that they operate differently, they have contributed to India's growth and how their weaknesses affect the nation.