How can corruption be eradicated in India?

Asked 24-Oct-2024
Updated 16-Nov-2024
Viewed 182 times

1 Answer



Any immoral or illegal act by powerful people who are willing to use their position's power to gain some undue advantage especially to get money is referred to as “Corruption”.


Corruption in India is still a broad issue, regardless of nation's anti-corruption laws and ‘Zero Tolerance Against Corruption’ to eliminate it. In India it comes in many ways such as offering and receiving of bribes, favoritism, misusing public resources, criminal activities, trade mispricing and hiding wealth by Indians from the tax authorities and many more are the acts of Corruption.

How can corruption be eradicated in India


  • TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNATABILITY: Governance transparency is a significant act to be implemented in every transaction performed between Government and public. And the officers must be accountable for their transactions.
  • DIGITALIZING: Digitalizing is a very crucial way to be implemented in every field. More digital a transaction much easier the detection of Corruption.
  • AWARENESS THROUGH MEDIA: Nowadays social media is the best platform to create awareness. Highlighting the cases and punishments regarding corruption will create awareness as well as the fear of punishments.
  • ASSESSMENT: Verifying, investigating or auditing of a deal to confirm relevant acts should be Government priority to delete Corruption in India.
  • IMPOSING PENALTIES AND PUNISHMENTS: Imposing heavy penalties and implementing severe punishments will make a corrupt think twice.

Government should also implement such policies and opportunities where people should not feel to corrupt each other. All the anti-corruption laws are the best laws constituted in India. Future of India will be bright if all the laws and punishments are fully implemented.